Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thing # 9

Checked out some other the other feeds to add to my Bloglines account. Feedster link was no good so I couldn't go there. I added a local news feed from and a library feed from I found both easy to use. I will investigate Technorati when I get to Thing # 14.

Thing # 11 Discovery exercise

Here is the link to my library thing library.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thing # 11 - The Library Thing

I visited the Library Thing and set up a small personal library; even added a few tags to some of the books. I loved the Book Suggester. This is a really nice tool for me because I love to read.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thing # 10

Here is my EZSmiley. It took me a little while to figure this out. But I got it. I wasn't sure what kind of an image that I wanted to put on my blog. After looking at some of the things listed, I picked this one.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thing # 8 - RSS and Bloglines

Success! I got my Bloglines account created and added 12 RSS feeds. Yeah me. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Actually, it was pretty simple. I looked at some of the other feeds and am going to try and put something on my blog. I hope it works.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thing #6

Here is Thing #6 that I seem to have missed doing. This really is the neighborhood where I grew up. I used to catch the school bus right about where the white SUV is in the picture. The large farm in the background is one of the University's. It was called the Animal Husbandry farm. They raised cattle, sheep and pigs back then.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Thing # 7 - Rutherford County Health Department

I thought this image of the Rutherford County Health Department was interesting. Thanks to Lisa Ramsay for showing me how to save the image to the computer and import it for my blog. I really like looking at the historical images on TeVA and the Nashville Digital Archives. Loved the images of the old fire stations in Nashville. Wasn't able to import from there. The computer I use at work doesn't have the sound enabled so I was able to listen to any of the oral histories. I would have liked that. I will probably listen from home.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thing # 7 - Digitial Collections

Have explored both Nashville Public Library Digital Collection and TeVA. I saw many interesting images. Loved the images of the old fire houses in Nashville.

Thing # 5 - Flickr - DSCF0130

DSCF0130, originally uploaded by jkoon.

I loved the colors of the trees in this photo. Kept coming back to it so decided to add it to my post. This is also taken on the campus at WVU.

Thing # 5 - Flickr - Woodburn at West Virginia University

I selected this picture because I thought the building with the snow was so pretty and serene. Woodburn Hall is one of the oldest buildings on the campus of my alma mater. I actually had a class in this building.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thing # 4 - Linebaugh's online resources

We have so many wonderful online resources that it is hard for me to pick just one. The Health & Wellness Resource Center is very good for finding information on Rx drugs and different medical conditions. It is written in language the non-professional can easily understand. I also really like Facts on File World Atlas. It is usually just what students need for state or country reports - everything from climate to history to the flag and much more. I could go on and on about the resources in TEL but I'll save that for another time.

Tning # 3 - 7 1/2 Things

Well, I thought I should address the 7 1/2 Things before I continue. I think the the easiest thing for me is probably #6. I do feel that I use technology to my advantage. The hardest thing is then probably #5 - creating my own leaning toolbox.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thing # 3

Well, I am finally posting. I have been giving much thought to the 7 1/2 things trying to decide which is the easiest and hardest for me. So far I am still thinking. I'll have to get back to you when I decide. So far, I have enjoyed reading others posts and think this whole project will be interesting for all of us. I love learning new things.