Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thing # 18 - Online productivity

This is Tuesday afternoon, January 15, 2008. I am trying out Google Docs to see if I like how it works. So far so good. I think that being able to log in to my account from any computer anywhere could really be useful. Many of us who own home computers have information saved there and not accessible anywhere else - resumes, appointments, etc. Just think how this could be helpful. I can see myself using the calender feature to keep track of appointments. I also want to try Zoho Writer to see if there are any real differences. I created an account with Zoho Writer and checked it out. The templates available looked like something that could be useful. Took a quick look at Writeboard and ThinkFree Office. I didn't set up an account with either at this time. I can see options like these becoming more popular. To be able to create documents, spreadsheets, or presentations and have others in your group be able to access the information to add or edit seems so efficient. I am going to try and publish this to my blog. Compliments to editing. It worked. I was able to get this information from Google Docs to my blog.

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